
(Looking for the list of #Storchat Topics? Click Here.)

If you already participate in #Storchat or a friend sent you here then please sign up below and you’ll get a weekly reminder with topic info, etc.  The email reminder is especially useful if you aren’t on Twitter all the time, but want to participate in our weekly discussion and idea exchange.

Wondering What Is #Storchat?

It’s the official self storage industry Twitter chat— an online conversation where storage operators gather to discuss different topics related to our business. When you participate in Storchat you can ask questions, get answers, share your expertise and exchange ideas in a completely open, real-time exchange. Chats are held weekly on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. PST/3 p.m. CST, with a new topic of discussion set each week. To help guide each 3o-minute chat, the hosts ask a few discussion questions around the topic at hand. #StorChat is hosted by Kenny Pratt (@SellingStorage), President of Crescendo Properties and Editor-In-Chief of Selling Storage, along with Rachel Greenfield (@SpareFoot), Marketing Analyst at SpareFoot and Editor-In-Chief of the Storage Facilitator self-storage blog.

P.S. If you are already filling out forms, you might as well subscribe to the SellingStorage blog if you don’t already. All your friends are doing it. You should too.