Kenny Pratt

One Thing Every Employee Wants, But No One Wants To Ask For

Tweet Everyone wants to know where they stand, don’t you agree? Your employees would love to have more feedback, but its unfair to expect them to regularly ask for it.  Regularly asking for feedback makes you sound needy and insecure, and nobody is going to risk sounding needy. Not only are you not giving feedback […]

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6 Ways To Make Selling Practice Easy

Most armchair quarterbacks would make terrible quarterbacks in real life. Most guys watching football are out of shape and slow. They are weak compared to even the worst guy on the field. Even if they were strong they wouldn’t be able to effectively block, or tackle, cover a receiver, or throw the ball. They spend […]

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Storytelling – A Secret Weapon In Your Effort To Create A Sales Culture

Do you remember being lectured by a parent when you were a teenager.  Maybe it was after you broke curfew or brought home a poor grade.  Would you say your parent’s lectures were effective?  Did their admonishments inspire you to change your attitudes or behaviors? While lecturing almost always fails, personal experience is almost always […]

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Small Wins Lead To Selling Success

Have you ever been frustrated because you want your self storage property managers to start doing something to be more effective, like stand up to greet each customer that comes in the door (rather than remain seated) or get the name and phone number of each prospect that calls on the phone so that they […]

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Focus On Behavior To Improve A Property Manager’s Selling Strength

I recently talked to a friend and self storage operator  who described the sales guidance he gave his managers as telling them to “try to engage the customer”, “get to know them” and to “relate with them.” I’m sure you have heard other commonplace guidance: “ask for the sale“, “build rapport” or “control the conversation“. […]

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Simple Sales Culture

The bulk of this post is a simple diagram of an effective sales culture.

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