Sell Everything You Have To Offer With This Self Storage Sales Approach

Don’t Stop Selling One way to sell more is to simply keep selling.   Most self storage managers think the sales process has only two pieces, the storage space, and everything else, and so they stop selling too soon.   The trick is to keep selling, i.e. moving from sale to sale, as long as the […]

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Why I Waste Time Blogging

People ask me all the time why I spend time writing this blog and sharing my  “secrets”. They want to know “What’s in it for me” especially since I’m not constantly selling webinars or in other ways asking you to open your wallet. So I thought I’d take a minute and give you a peek […]

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Improve Your Self Storage Merchandise Sales With Two Simple Metrics

Here are two quick ways to assess how well you are selling merchandise and to track your performance for faster improvement. Calculate your disc lock penetration. . Most property managers over-estimate how well and how often they sell disc locks.  This is a simple way to open your eyes to how well you are really […]

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Not Everyone Is Like You – And Why That Sabotages Your Sales

I had a property manager who was living paycheck to paycheck and was very reluctant to sell boxes and packing supplies because she couldn’t fathom paying the prices we charge for boxes if she were to move. What she didn’t consider is that not everyone is like her.  Her perception of the value of the […]

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11 Questions That Unleash Your Property Manager’s Best Sales Effort

Motivating storage managers to sell is a lot like surfing because its easy to do all the wrong things. When I first tried surfing I exhausted myself trying to “catch” waves. I sat on top of my surfboard with my feet dangling in the cool water and watched the waves roll in. Time after time […]

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Why Some People Hated My Presentation At ISS

I haven’t seen the speaker evaluation data yet, but I’m 100% sure there are some people who thought my presentation last week at ISS in Las Vegas was a waste of time. Here’s why. Because I didn’t conclude every point with a step-by-step plan for what they should do tomorrow that is guaranteed to work with […]

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