Kenny Pratt

Selling Lessons From Extra Space

I wanted to find out how Extra Space sold their insurance product because I heard that they had very high conversion rates (anecdotally, something like 90% of their customers pay for insurance).  The video below documents my mystery shop and what I learned that can be applied to my business (and yours). Below the video […]

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TSSA Rocks!

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Texas Self Storage Association on October 19th, 2010.  They asked me to share my thoughts about how self storage operators could use social media, especially Twitter and Blogging. As part of that presentation I compiled some resources I think you might like: 14 Killer Social Media Resources […]

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14 Killer Self Storage Social Media Resources

The awesome Ginny Sutton and Emily Matthews at the  Texas Self Storage Association recently asked me to share my thoughts about social media marketing at their annual conference in Fort Worth.  For fun I made a video of the “unboxing” of the thank you gift they gave me for donating my time as a speaker.  […]

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5 Ways To Keep Your Property Manager’s Eyes From Glazing Over

You talk too much. As a boss, or supervisor, or property owner It is easy to fall into the role of Head Honcho Explainer. You often want your people to do something new or to do an old thing in a more effective way, so you explain it to them. I know. I do it […]

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Self Storage Managers Make Rent Increases Work

This one goes out to amazing on-site property managers everywhere…. Your corporate office, or boss, or the owner of the property you work at might decide it is time to raise rental rates (either to some of your existing customers or by increasing the asking rates for prospective customers). They may dictate the rate increases, […]

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Increase Your Revenue – Stop Assuming It’s All About Price

Sure, sometimes self storage sales is about price. But not always. And not usually. So stop shooting yourself in the foot and giving away unnecessary discounts by making that faulty assumption. The other day my coworker and I met for lunch near one of our self storage facilities. After eating some mediocre pizza that sat […]

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